Regular Meetings
Monday December 16
Technique Meeting @ Isle of Books/Used Book Emporium, 6 pmMonday December 23
Meeting @ Isle of Books/Used Book Emporium, 6 pmMonday December 30
Meeting @ Isle of Books/Used Book Emporium, 6 pmMonday January 13
Meeting @ Isle of Books/Used Book Emporium, 6 pm
Other Events
Monday January 6
Dinner @ Tanglewood, 6pm
Sunday January 12
Book club @ Isle of Books/Used Book Emporium, noon
Types of Event
Regular Meeting
A workshop-style session where people bring in a piece (up to ten pages), read it aloud, and receive feedback. Usually we have time to critique two or three pieces. Sometimes we have a writing prompt to warm up.
Intensive Critique
Unlike at a regular meeting, these pieces are handed out ahead of time, giving participants an opportunity to read them more than once and give more prepared feedback. Pieces may be up to thirty pages, for instances when a writer has concerns about the flow of several chapters. We typically have about five intensives a year.
Book Club
Our book club reads a wide selection and focuses discussion on the craft of writing. For our current book list and more information, see our Book Club Page.
Yearly Retreat
Every summer, we spend a long weekend at a luxurious cabin on the shore of Island Park Reservoir in Idaho. It’s part social event, part vacation, part opportunity to focus on your current writing project.